Wednesday, January 25, 2012

By the Way: Technology Scares the Bejeezus Out of Me!

So to kick things off, I thought I would first introduce myself and why I have chosen to analyze consumers on the topic of technological advances; my primary reason for choosing this topic is because I am one of the least tech saavy people that I know. I run when I see an IPad, I cringe when someone talks about Twitter, and IPhones, forget it!
                                   (This is what I think of when I think "high-tech")
I think this fear began at a young age; my family got our first home computer (remember the ones that weighed like 100 pounds, just the screen!) when I was around 8 years old, and while I enjoyed playing School House Rock and Sabrina  Teenage Witch games and recording songs on the microphone with friends, even then it scared me. By the way the three things that I just listed above were about the only three things that I was able to sufficiently accomplish on that beast of a screen. Then came the Internet; while this new search engine proved useful for school projects and talking to friends (AIM), it also proved very tedious and slow. This was were my frustration for technology first set in. Do you remember the days when we would have to re-boot our computer, wait ten minutes, then log on to our dial up connection, wait another ten minutes, then finally we were able to type something into AskJeeves and we would have to wait another ten minutes; I get frustrated when my computer takes 30 seconds logging me on to the Internet these days!

Fast forward to present day: now a days we have a machine to do pretty much anything for us, from giving us automated directions, to calculating any mathematical equation we can think of; although many of these things were only created a few short years ago, it seems that these machines have begun to take over our world. Technology is in our everyday lives; even as I am writing this right now, I am using a computer, on the Internet and blogging (can you believe it)!!! Me, a tech idiot, and even I have broke down and begun using the things that I once feared. Technology is not only in our everyday lives, but it also influences much of what we do, how we do things, and the steps we take to get there. Technology is ever evolving and consumers just can't help but want to stay up to date with these advances; that is why technology is such a hot topic with consumers these days, and that is why I chose to analyze consumer behavior when it comes to technology.

Well until next time!

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