Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How it all started...Instant Messaging and Chat Rooms

Do you ever think about how this whole social media craze started; I'm not talking about Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook. No, I'm talking about before even Facebook; I mean instant messaging and chat rooms. Chat rooms gave people a channel to meet new people, people from all over the world that they might not have the opportunity to meet otherwise; and instant messaging was one of the first ways that you could communicate with people instantly (other than using a phone).

While these two modes of communication gave a lot of parents headaches because of the worry of who their children were talking to online, it also became a useful tool and is basically (in another form) still used today. These modes are now used for communication from person to person, but also from business to business, from person to business, and from business to person. Business have seized this opportunity to increase their advertising and get their name out on the market in yet another way.

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